San Francisco Sabercats

10th Annual Halloween Skate Party

Friday, October 25, 6:30-9:00pm

You are invited to join your fellow San Francisco Sabercats Hockey families to this “party with a purpose”. For ten years, our organization has raised funds in support of program scholarships so any child with a desire to play youth hockey has the opportunity to do so.


Tickets can be pre purchased by going to
or at the door


Individual Entrance Ticket $15

Family Pack $100 (Entrance for 4, 4 slices of pizza, 4 wine/beer tickets, 4 nonalcoholic tickets)

Activities include, Chuck a puck, skills event and costume contest


Underwriting Opportunities

Please consider supporting the event in one of these significant capacities

Host bar: $750

Host Pizza Table: $500

Chuck a puck: $500

Prizes: $500

Kids Beverages: $250

Decorations: $150

General donation $100

*Note: This will go towards the reimbursement of costs, not the volunteer positions.


What a great way to show your San Francisco Sabercats support by making a tax-deductible donation and or helping get sponsors/donations for our silent auction. Does your company offer Matching Gifts? We are a 501(c)3 and can help fill out paperwork for a corporate match.

Auction Items: We need your help securing auction items.

Do you have a connection to the San Jose Sharks, Giants, the Warriors, the A’s, the 49’ers, any local Bay Area team pro or otherwise?  How about concert, theater, music festivals, opera, or symphony tickets?  Know a friend that owns a restaurant or local business?

Items we are looking for include, but are not limited to:

  • Tickets to sporting events, concerts, shows
  • One of a kind experiences, behind the scenes tours
  • Restaurant gift cards
  • Sports equipment

*Please have items to the rink no later than Wednesday, Oct 16th attn: Halloween/Tim Nelson


For more information please contact Lisa Faulkner at:

Thank you for your generosity of resources and time.


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