Archive for April 2020
Playoffs, Staying Sharp, Coaches Words, and More…
NorCal Keeping Playoff Options Open
The CAHA Board meets April 1st to discuss contingency plans for tryout dates in case the COVID situation continues. The idea of holding playoffs over Memorial Day weekend has been tossed around, obviously as long as government agencies say it is safe to do so.
The Executive Board wants to consider the most up-to-date information before making a final decision to cancel or possibly move playoffs to Memorial Day weekend- exhausting all possible options to hold the playoffs, with the first priority to keep our membership and communities safe. NorCal will meet with representatives from all clubs on Tuesday April 7th to discuss the next course of action. We will keep you up to date with all discussions.
Get a Head Start on the Season We are required to renew our SafeSport certification every season, and 2019-20 season certificate expired on March 31, 2020. New certificates are available starting April 1, 2020. No better time than the present to get this task taken care of for the year! Visit SafeSport site and get certified! |
Support Local Business
Coach Kevin Mills provided a great website that can help us support our community through gift cards towards our favorite shops and restaurants. Click here on Save Our Favs to check it out and provide your support!
Staying Sharp
Just like Russa (12U) climbing the hills on roller-blades, Max (16U goalie) learns how to juggle in an effort to keep eye hand coordination sharp while he shelters in place.
16U Coaches Casey and Kevin have been engaged with their team regularly via group texts — collecting video and photos from the team’s “off-ice” training. They also suggest Ice Hockey Systems Off-Ice Exercise System to stay in shape while sheltering in place.
You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave – win or lose.” – Gordie Howe
Celebrating Our 18U High School Seniors
Realize How Good You Are – Letters from the High School Coaches
In light of the season being placed on hold for the foreseeable future – after a spirited 5 overtime loss in championships, the coaches of the 2019-20 High School team wrote letters to their players, many of whom will graduate. The following are excerpts.
The word I always come back to with this team is resiliency, which holds particular significance this year. Ending the season with a 5-OT loss is as tough as it gets sports-wise. To have it followed by unprecedented real-world events immediately puts it in perspective, however. School is closed, extra-curricular activities are cancelled, shelter-at-home orders are in effect; this is new to all of us and will require a particular level of resiliency to get through. Sports is a metaphor for life, and the resiliency of our team on the ice will serve us well as we navigate the reality of the new world order. I have no doubt that the ’19-’20 Sabercats HS team, individually and collectively, is up to the challenge
-Coach David
You are talented, creative, explosive, versatile, confident, and resilient. …To have been a part of your hockey evolution has, for me, been incredibly rewarding. Equally rewarding for me is having (hopefully) played some part in you all becoming the people you are today. You’re kind, intelligent, dedicated, fun-loving, well-rounded, passionate, and as Coach David said, optimistic….I know we didn’t mess up too much because you guys are not only great hockey players, you are great people.
-Coach George
“Realize how good you are.” Whether it’s in hockey, other extra-curricular, school, work, or friend groups, each and every one of you brings something unique and important to the table. While this season, this team, this chapter of your lives may be coming to a close, it is opening the next chapter for you all to step into having the talent, experience, and support of this team for the rest of your lives.
-Coach Sean
Thank you for all of your effort, sweat, and energy. Thank you for showing up week after week. Thank you for listening to at least half of the things I said. Thank you for your relentless commitment to making hockey fun. You’ve left me with so many memories that I will never forget. This may feel like the end of a big chapter of life, but I can assure you all there is so much more ahead. My hope is that you use your experience with this group to guide you through what lies ahead.
-Coach Mikey
Happy to Help
In this uncertain time we want to be sure that the Sabercats community stays safe, informed, and connected. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have and we will respond as soon we can. Email us: