Great moments are born from great opportunities

- Herb Brooks -

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

Life at Campus

We have sports and educational clubs that will suit most students. Campus is a large area with a huge park as the center point. There is easy access to all accommodations and everything has been re-vamped over the last two years. So, if you like football, soccer, rocket science or anything in between, we got something for you. If you want to know more about campus life, you can call one of our trained students and they will be glad to help in any way they can.

Academy News

Classrooms closed due to re-painting
Two students join football team
Meeting about new campus area
Library project meeting

Academy News

Classrooms closed due to re-painting
Two students join football team
Meeting about new campus area
Library project meeting

Academy News

Classrooms closed due to re-painting
Two students join football team
Meeting about new campus area
Library project meeting

Academy News

Classrooms closed due to re-painting
Two students join football team
Meeting about new campus area
Library project meeting